Call: 07783 469800  
Hypnosis is the epitome of mind-body medicine. It can enable the mind to tell the body how to react, and modify the messages that the body sends to the mind.” 
– New York Times 
“Hypnosis seems helpful in treating addictions, and the depression and anxiety associated with them…” 
– Psychology Today 
“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.” 
– New Scientist 
“Studies show that people who combine diet and exercise with hypnosis lose more weight than they do with diet and exercise alone.” 
– Allure 


Anxiety means different things to different people, but may include one or more of the following symptoms: fear, panic, worry, nervousness, apprehension, hyper vigilance, difficulty sleeping. It is the body's natural primitive response to a threat, however this level of stress in our everyday lives does not have a place unless we a truly in danger. Prior to our meeting we can discuss on the phone what your symptoms are and what we hope to achieve. 


The stop smoking session is a one off, 2 hour session. You will also take away either a CD or a link to an MP3 which will reinforce the work that we have done in the session. 
I treat my hypnotherapy clients as individuals, rather than a condition that needs treating, so I can tailor the following sessions to you. 


A lifetime of living smoke free will cost just £150, compare that to the price of smoking