Call: 07783 469800  
Hypnosis is the epitome of mind-body medicine. It can enable the mind to tell the body how to react, and modify the messages that the body sends to the mind.” 
– New York Times 
“Hypnosis seems helpful in treating addictions, and the depression and anxiety associated with them…” 
– Psychology Today 
“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.” 
– New Scientist 
“Studies show that people who combine diet and exercise with hypnosis lose more weight than they do with diet and exercise alone.” 
– Allure 


Anxiety means different things to different people, but may include one or more of the following symptoms: fear, panic, worry, nervousness, apprehension, hyper vigilance, difficulty sleeping. It is the body's natural primitive response to a threat, however this level of stress in our everyday lives does not have a place unless we a truly in danger. Prior to our meeting we can discuss on the phone what your symptoms are and what we hope to achieve. 


During our initial consultation I will talk to you about your symptoms, how long you have had them, and any medications you are on. It is useful to understand what brings the anxiety on and also explain a bit more about hypnotherapy to you – what it is and what it isn’t. We will look at how the brain works in relation to our anxieties and give you some tools you can start using immediately. You will also take away either a CD or a link to an MP3 which will help start the process. 
I treat my hypnotherapy clients as individuals, rather than a condition that needs treating, so I can tailor the following sessions to you. 


We then organise a number of weekly sessions to treat you. You will start to notice the difference very quickly, usually in the first few weeks, but the usual length of treatment for anxiety is 8-12 weeks, this is to ensure we perfect and maintain the results so what you have learned is a permanent change in your life.